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Los Cuatro Reinos de la Felicidad | Tirada Holística

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The Four Realms of Happiness Card Spread by GUIA7

The Four Realms of Happiness


The Four Realms of Happiness Card Spread is a powerful and insightful tarot spread designed to offer a comprehensive overview of key aspects in one’s life. By exploring four crucial realms—Life Philosophy, Family, Community and Friends, and Meaningful Work—this spread provides a holistic snapshot of various facets of the querent’s journey.

The purpose of The Four Realms of Happiness Card Spread is to offer guidance and self-reflection, enabling the querent to gain deeper insights into their current life circumstances. By examining the central themes and challenges in each realm, individuals can make informed decisions, fostering a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness.

This spread delves into the querent’s beliefs, family dynamics, social connections, and work life, offering a well-rounded understanding of their experiences. The emphasis on positivity, growth, and balance, as revealed through the tarot cards, serves as a roadmap for building a happier life.

Ultimately, The Four Realms of Happiness Card Spread is a tool for self-discovery and empowerment. The wisdom gained from this reading allows individuals to make choices aligned with their values, fostering harmony in relationships, a sense of purpose in work, and an overall happier and more meaningful existence.

Significado de las Posiciones de las Cartas

1. Life Philosophy

  • Card 1 (Center): Represents the querent’s current life philosophy or overarching beliefs.
  • Card 2 (Left): Insights into the strengths and positive aspects of their philosophy.
  • Card 3 (Right): Reveals challenges or areas for growth within their life philosophy.

3. Community and Friends

  • Card 7 (Center): Represents the querent’s current relationships within their community and friend circle.
  • Card 8 (Left): Insights into positive aspects and supportive connections.
  • Card 9 (Right): Reveals challenges or conflicts within their social circles.

2. Family

  • Card 4 (Center): Represents the querent’s current family dynamics and relationships.
  • Card 5 (Left): Insights into positive aspects and sources of support within the family.
  • Card 6 (Right): Reveals challenges or areas for improvement in their family life.

4. Meaningful Work

  • Card 10 (Center): Represents the querent’s current work situation or career path.
  • Card 11 (Left): Insights into what brings fulfillment and satisfaction in their work.
  • Card 12 (Right): Reveals challenges or areas for improvement in their work life.

Lectura Muestra

Remember, tarot readings are subjective, and the interpretation of the cards can vary. It’s essential to trust your intuition and use the cards as a tool for self-reflection and guidance.

This reading can be done with multiple sets of card decks, or just one.

Choose the one you’re most comfortable with.

Cards shown: (top-left) Tarot of the Spirit; (top-right) Vision Quest Tarot; (bottom-left) Druidcraft Tarot; (bottom-right) Napo Tarot

To obtain meaningful insights from The Four Realms of Happiness Card Spread, it’s essential to ask open-ended and reflective questions that address the specific areas of life covered by each realm.

Remember to phrase questions in a way that encourages introspection and focuses on personal empowerment. Avoid yes/no questions, and instead, seek guidance on how to navigate challenges and enhance positive aspects in each realm. Tarot is a tool for self-reflection, and the questions should prompt thoughtful contemplation rather than seeking definitive answers.

Sample General Questions:

  • What overarching message do the cards have for me in building a happier life?
  • How can I integrate the insights from this spread into my daily life for personal growth?
  • What actions can I take to align my choices with the positive energies and opportunities revealed in the cards?

1. Life Philosophy

What is the central theme or belief guiding Jane's life at this moment?

Card 1:


The central theme guiding Jane’s life at this moment is one of balance, moderation, and harmony. The Temperance card suggests that she is navigating her path with a focus on finding equilibrium in various aspects of her life. It indicates a desire for moderation and a patient approach to her journey.

In what ways can Jane enhance the balance and harmony in her life philosophy?

Card 2:


The Page of Cups suggests that Jane can enhance the balance and harmony in her life philosophy by adopting a more open-hearted and curious approach to her emotions and creative endeavors. Jane needs to be receptive to new experiences and creative expressions. She needs to embrace a youthful, explorative mindset, allowing emotions to flow and guide her in her quest for balance.

What challenges or growth opportunities are present in Jane's current approach to life?

Card 3:


The Lovers card indicates that challenges or growth opportunities in Jane’s current approach to life may revolve around relationships and decisions related to deep connections. It encourages Jane to navigate choices with integrity and alignment with her values. The challenge may lie in making choices that resonate with her authentic self and foster harmonious connections.

OVERALL INSIGHT | Life Philosophy

Jane’s life philosophy, as indicated by Temperance, is one of seeking balance, and she is encouraged to enhance this by approaching life with the open-heartedness and curiosity represented by the Page of Cups. However, challenges and growth opportunities, as suggested by The Lovers, may involve making decisions in relationships that align with her core values and principles.

Reflect on how these insights resonate with your current experiences, and consider how you can integrate these themes into your life philosophy for personal growth and a greater sense of harmony.

2. Family

What dynamics are influencing Jane's family life right now?

Card 4:


The dynamics influencing Jane’s family life at the moment are characterized by a sense of burden and responsibility. The Ten of Wands suggests that there may be challenges or heavy responsibilities within the family that are currently impacting the overall atmosphere.

How can Jane alleviate burdens and find more joy within her family relationships?

Card 5:


To alleviate burdens and find more joy within Jane’s family relationships, the Four of Cups suggests that she should take a moment to reassess her emotional perspective. Look beyond any feelings of dissatisfaction or boredom and seek out opportunities for gratitude and appreciation within her family dynamics. Sometimes, joy can be found by recognizing the positive aspects that may be overlooked.

What lessons can Jane learn from the past to improve her family connections?

Card 6:


The Six of Cups indicates that there are valuable lessons to be learned from the past to improve family connections. This card often symbolizes nostalgia and a return to more innocent and harmonious times. Jane is asked to reflect on positive experiences from the past, and consider how these lessons can be applied to foster deeper connections and understanding within her family.


Jane’s family dynamics, as indicated by the Ten of Wands, may be currently influenced by a sense of burden. To alleviate this, the Four of Cups suggests finding joy by shifting her perspective and appreciating the positive aspects within her family. The Six of Cups encourages her to draw on positive lessons from the past to strengthen her family connections.

Consider how you can apply these lessons to create a more joyful and harmonious family environment.

3. Community and Friends

What role does Jane friends and community play in her life currently?

Card 7:


The Page of Wands suggests that Jane’s friends and community currently play a role filled with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a sense of adventure. There may be a spirit of exploration and new opportunities within her social circles.

How can Jane bring more enthusiasm and positive energy into her social circles?

Card 8:


To bring more enthusiasm and positive energy into Jane’s social circles, the Six of Swords and Nine of Cups advise a journey towards emotional healing and contentment. Moving away from challenges or negative influences can pave the way for emotional fulfillment and a more positive atmosphere in her friendships and community interactions.

What can Jane do to navigate and overcome challenges in her friendships or community interactions?

Card 9:


The Five of Cups suggests that challenges in Jane’s friendships or community interactions may involve feelings of loss or disappointment. To navigate and overcome these challenges, Jane needs to focus on what remains positive and look for opportunities to rebuild connections. Sometimes, addressing emotional wounds and finding new perspectives can contribute to healing in social relationships.

OVERALL INSIGHT | Community and Friends

Jane’s friends and community, as indicated by the Page of Wands, play a role filled with enthusiasm and curiosity. To enhance positive energy, the Six of Swords and Nine of Cups recommend a journey toward emotional healing. The Five of Cups highlights the importance of addressing disappointments and finding new perspectives to overcome challenges in friendships and community interactions.

Consider how you can contribute to a more positive and supportive social environment for yourself and those around you.

4. Meaningful Work

What major changes or transformations are occurring in Jane's work life?

Card 10:


The Tower suggests that major changes or transformations are currently occurring in Jane’s work life. This card indicates a significant shift or upheaval that may be challenging, but it also serves as a catalyst for necessary and transformative changes.

How can Jane establish more balance and fairness in her professional endeavors?

Card 11:


To establish more balance and fairness in Jane’s professional endeavors, the Two of Cups suggests forming partnerships or collaborations that are built on mutual respect and harmony. Jane needs to seek connections that align with her values and contribute to a harmonious work environment.

What partnerships or collaborations can enhance Jane's satisfaction and success in meaningful work?

Card 12:


Justice indicates that partnerships or collaborations in Jane’s meaningful work should be founded on fairness, equality, and ethical considerations. Jane needs to seek collaborations where everyone involved is treated justly, and decisions are made with integrity. This card suggests that balanced and fair partnerships will contribute to her satisfaction and success in meaningful work.

OVERALL INSIGHT | Meaningful Work

Jane’s work life, as indicated by The Tower, is currently undergoing significant changes or transformations. To establish more balance, the Two of Cups recommends forming partnerships based on mutual respect. Justice highlights that partnerships or collaborations that prioritize fairness and integrity will enhance her satisfaction and success in meaningful work.

Reflect on these insights and consider how you can navigate and embrace the changes in your work life while building partnerships that contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling professional journey.

General  Observations

  • There’s a strong theme of balance and harmony running through the reading, especially with Temperance and Justice appearing in significant positions.
  • Emotional aspects are emphasized, with Cups and Pages suggesting a focus on feelings and personal growth.
  • The Tower in the meaningful work position indicates a profound shift, which may be challenging but could lead to positive transformations in the long run.
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