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Energy Balance | Card Spread

Energy Balance


Card Position Meanings

The Energy Balance card spread is a tool that can be used for gaining insights into your overall well-being, specifically focusing on the balance of your physical, emotional, and mental energies.  It provides a snapshot of your current energy state, highlights any blockages or challenges that might be affecting your balance, and offers guidance on how to restore equilibrium. This spread can help you identify areas where you might be overexerting yourself or neglecting self-care, and it offers suggestions for moving towards a more harmonious and balanced state of being. It’s a reflective tool for self-awareness and personal growth, encouraging you to consider how you’re managing and directing your energy in various aspects of your life.

When conducting the card reading, focus on your intention to gain insights into your energy balance and approach the cards with an open mind. 

  1. Current Energy State: This card represents your current energy state and gives an overview of how you are feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally. It can offer insights into any imbalances or areas where you might be feeling drained or overwhelmed.

  2. Blockages or Challenges: This card will shed light on any blockages or challenges that are affecting your energy balance. It may indicate any negative patterns, external influences, or internal struggles that are hindering your overall well-being.

  3. Path to Balance: This card will guide you towards finding a path to restore and maintain energy balance. It can offer advice on how to overcome the challenges revealed in Card 2 and suggest positive steps you can take to harmonize your energy.

Sample Reading

Remember, tarot readings are subjective, and the interpretation of the cards can vary. It’s essential to trust your intuition and use the cards as a tool for self-reflection and guidance.
Cards shown are from the Sleepwalker's Tarot by A-Chi

How is my energy balance today?

1. Current  Energy State


The Knight of Pentacles represents a person who is diligent, responsible, and focused on practical matters. In the context of your current energy state, this card suggests that you are putting in a lot of effort and hard work into various aspects of your life. You may be managing your resources effectively, maintaining stability, and approaching things with a methodical mindset. While this energy is grounded and reliable, it can also indicate a need for balance, as you might be overly focused on the material or routine aspects of life, possibly neglecting emotional or spiritual well-being.

2. Blockages or Challenges


The appearance of the Queen of Pentacles as a challenge indicates that you might be experiencing difficulties in finding balance between nurturing yourself and caring for others. You could be taking on too much responsibility or investing excessive energy in providing for the needs of those around you. While being supportive and generous is admirable, it’s crucial to ensure you are also tending to your own self-care and emotional needs. This card encourages you to strike a harmonious balance between giving and receiving, and not to overlook your own well-being while caring for others.

3. Path to Balance


The Fool represents a new beginning, fresh starts, and stepping into the unknown with optimism and trust. As the card for the path to balance, it suggests that to achieve a harmonious energy state, you need to be open to taking risks and embracing change. This card advises you to let go of any fears or hesitations that might be holding you back and to approach life with a sense of wonder and adventure. It’s time to free yourself from the limitations and routines of the Knight of Pentacles and the Queen of Pentacles and embrace a more carefree and spontaneous attitude.

Base Card


Sometimes I like to complement a reading with the card left at the bottom of the stack of cards. It provides a little more depth to the reading.

The Empress as the base card signifies a strong connection with nurturing, creativity, and abundance. It adds an important dimension to the entire energy balance overview, reminding you of the importance of self-care and self-love. The Empress urges you to honor your body, mind, and spirit, and to find ways to express your creativity and connect with nature. By embracing the nurturing energy of The Empress, you can enhance your overall energy balance and align yourself with the flow of life.

Overall, the tarot cards indicate that you have a solid foundation of responsibility and hard work (Knight of Pentacles) but may face challenges in balancing your nurturing instincts with self-care (Queen of Pentacles). The path to balance lies in embracing new opportunities with optimism and trust (The Fool) while connecting with your nurturing and creative side (The Empress). By finding this equilibrium, you can achieve a more harmonious energy state in your life. 
