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Harmonious Balance | Card Spread

Harmonious Balance


Card Position Meanings

  1. The Foundation Card: This card represents the foundation of your current state of balance and harmony. It reveals the core energies and influences that are shaping your life at this moment.

  2. The Inner Self Card: This card delves into your inner world and reflects the aspects of yourself that need attention and nurturing to achieve balance. It helps you explore your emotions, beliefs, and desires that contribute to your overall well-being.

  3. The Outer Self Card: This card focuses on your external environment and the external factors that influence your sense of balance. It reveals the areas of your life, such as relationships, work, or social interactions, that may require attention for greater harmony.

  4. The Mind Card: This card represents the state of your mind and your thought patterns. It reflects the beliefs, attitudes, and mental processes that may be supporting or hindering your ability to find balance and inner peace.
  1. The Heart Card: This card explores the emotional aspects of your life. It reveals your deepest desires, passions, and emotional needs, helping you understand how to foster emotional well-being and create harmonious relationships.

  2. The Action Card: This card highlights the actions you can take to cultivate balance and harmony in your life. It suggests practical steps, behaviors, or changes that can support your overall well-being.

  3. The Outcome Card: This card represents the potential outcome of your efforts to achieve harmonious balance. It provides insight into the possible results or lessons that may emerge from your pursuit of equilibrium and guides you towards the highest good.

Sample Reading

Remember, tarot readings are subjective, and the interpretation of the cards can vary. It’s essential to trust your intuition and use the cards as a tool for self-reflection and guidance.
Cards shown are from The Good Karma Tarot by Kerry Ward, the Clairvoyant Oracle by Belinda Grace, and the Self-Care Wisdom Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Which area of my life is out of balance, and how can I create more harmony and balance?

1. The Foundation


The Hierophant represents tradition, structure, and conformity. This card suggests that your foundation for balance and harmony may lie in established belief systems or structured institutions. It indicates that you may find balance by exploring and aligning with your core values and seeking guidance from trusted sources or mentors.

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[Question your faith – Do the right thing – Support what you believe in] – The Good Karma Tarot

2. The Inner Self


The 9 of Wands symbolizes resilience and strength. In the context of your inner self, it suggests that you have been through challenges and may be feeling guarded or defensive. To create more harmony, it is essential to address any past wounds or fears that may be holding you back. Focus on healing, self-care, and cultivating self-compassion.

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[Don’t give up now – This is not as bad as you think – Conquer this obstacle and everything will get better] – The Good Karma Tarot

3. The Outer Self


The Devil represents addictions, unhealthy patterns, or limiting beliefs. This card suggests that there may be external influences or aspects of your life that are causing imbalance. To create more harmony, it is important to identify and release any negative attachments, unhealthy relationships, or self-sabotaging behaviors. Embrace freedom and take steps towards personal liberation.

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[Own your actions – Break a bad habit – Avoid temptation] – The Good Karma Tarot

4. The Mind


The 6 of Swords signifies transition and moving away from difficulties. In the realm of the mind, it suggests that you may be in a period of mental restlessness or seeking a change of perspective. To find more balance, explore new ways of thinking, broaden your horizons, and engage in activities that promote mental clarity and peace, such as meditation or journaling.

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[It’s time to leave – You are ready to take the next step – Release your burdens, baggage and bad memories as you move forwards] – The Good Karma Tarot

5. The Heart


The 5 of Swords indicates conflicts or disharmony in relationships or matters of the heart. It suggests that there may be a need for resolution, forgiveness, or releasing past resentments. To create more harmony, focus on open communication, empathy, and finding common ground with others. Seek to heal and restore balance in your relationships.

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[Extricate yourself from this situation – Don’t make things worse – Take the high road] – The Good Karma Tarot

6. Action Steps


The 10 of Cups represents emotional fulfillment and harmony in relationships. This card suggests that taking actions aligned with love, joy, and emotional well-being will contribute to greater balance in your life. Cultivate meaningful connections, celebrate your relationships, and engage in activities that bring you and your loved ones happiness.

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[Treasure your family and home – Be content with what you have – You’re where you’re meant to be] – The Good Karma Tarot

7. Outcome


The 8 of Wands symbolizes swiftness, progress, and forward movement. This card indicates that by embracing the changes, opportunities, and new experiences that come your way, you will achieve a sense of balance and harmony. Stay open to possibilities, trust in the journey, and take inspired action towards your goals.

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[Be ready to say yes – Reap what you’ve sown – Nurture your network] – The Good Karma Tarot

8. Extra Cards


“Ask yourself ‘In what areas of my life am I still not loving myself enough?’. Contemplate the areas in your life where you are particularly self-critical or lacking in confidence, such as your appearance or material success; where you neglect yourself, such as your fitness and health; or where you do not express your true feelings on matters that are important to you.

By taking positive and loving action in any or all of these areas you will be increasing your levels of self-love, and its vital companion self-respect. From that moment on, your personal vibration will improve and you will attract more positive experiences into your life, including many forms of love.” – Excerpt from the Clairvoyant Oracle by Belinda Grace, Card 17. Love, P. 50-51

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“It is safe to wait.” – Self-Care Wisdom Card by Cheryl Richardson

If we take a closer look at the cards, we can see how this reading indicates that the reason you may feel out-of-balance is because you have an internal battle between what you believe your life should look like externally (the perfect family life, material gains, amazing body, etc), vs what your heart truly desires. You may be ready to simplify your life, to rethink past choices, to prioritize what matters most and makes you happy. As soon as you realize that by choosing differently, putting value in WHAT FEELS RIGHT FOR YOU, one choice at a time, you will start to create more harmony and balance in your life. Take it easy, feel it out, be patient with yourself.
