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360-Degree Life Overview | Card Spread

360-Degree Life Overview


Card Position Meanings

  1. Core Self: This card represents the essence of the querent’s personality, their strengths, and their innermost desires. It offers insight into their authentic self and how it influences their overall life path.

  2. Love and Relationships: This card reflects the querent’s current state of romantic relationships, friendships, and connections with others. It provides guidance on how to nurture and improve these relationships or seek new ones if needed.

  3. Career and Life Purpose: This card sheds light on the querent’s professional life, including their career goals, ambitions, and fulfillment. It helps the querent gain clarity on their life purpose and the steps they can take to align their work with their passions.

  4. Health and Well-being: This card focuses on the querent’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It offers guidance on maintaining balance, overcoming challenges, and taking care of oneself to achieve optimal health.

  5. Finances and Abundance: This card explores the querent’s financial situation, including income, savings, and overall abundance. It provides insights on managing resources, making wise financial decisions, and attracting prosperity.
  1. Spirituality and Inner Growth: This card delves into the querent’s spiritual journey and personal development. It offers guidance on connecting with their inner wisdom, cultivating a spiritual practice, and expanding their consciousness.

  2. Family and Home Life: This card reflects the querent’s relationships with family members, their home environment, and overall domestic stability. It offers insights into creating a harmonious and nurturing space for themselves and their loved ones.

  3. Personal Growth and Education: This card focuses on the querent’s intellectual pursuits, personal growth, and ongoing education. It offers guidance on expanding knowledge, embracing new opportunities for learning, and developing new skills.

  4. Creativity and Self-Expression: This card explores the querent’s creative outlets, hobbies, and ways of self-expression. It offers insights on nurturing and exploring their unique talents, fostering creativity, and embracing their passions.

  5. Future Potential: This card represents the potential and possibilities that lie ahead for the querent. It offers a glimpse into their future, highlighting opportunities, challenges, and areas where personal growth can be achieved.

Sample Reading

Remember, tarot readings are subjective, and the interpretation of the cards can vary. It’s essential to trust your intuition and use the cards as a tool for self-reflection and guidance.
Cards shown are from The Pre-Raphaelite Tarot by Valeria Menozzi; Artwork by Giuliano Costa

Which area of my life is out of balance, and how can I create more harmony and balance?

1. Core Self


Your core self is dynamic, energetic, and full of passion. You have a quick mind and are enthusiastic about pursuing your goals and ambitions. The 8 of Wands suggests that you are a go-getter who enjoys challenges and thrives in fast-paced environments.

2. Love and Relationships


In love and relationships, you embody the traits of the Page of Swords, indicating that you may be curious, honest, and a direct communicator. However, you could also be prone to being blunt or overly critical at times. You might have a desire for mental stimulation and enjoy engaging in intellectual conversations with your partner.

3. Career and Life Purpose


The presence of Justice in this position suggests that you value fairness, balance, and integrity in your career and life purpose. You are likely seeking a path that aligns with your strong sense of justice and ethical principles. This card also indicates that your efforts in your career will be met with just rewards.

4. Health and Well-being


The Page of Coins indicates that you might need to focus more on your health and well-being. This card suggests a need for patience and dedication when it comes to adopting healthy habits and taking care of your physical body. It can also signify a potential for new beginnings in health-related matters.

5. Finances and Abundance


The Queen of Coins brings positive energy to your finances and abundance. You likely possess practical financial skills, are responsible with money, and can manage resources wisely. This card bodes well for stability and prosperity in your financial affairs.

6. Spirituality and Inner Growth


The Hanged Man signifies that you are going through a period of spiritual growth and inner reflection. You might be experiencing a shift in perspective and are open to exploring new beliefs and ideas. Embracing this period of surrender and letting go will lead to valuable spiritual insights.

7. Family and Home Life


The Death card doesn’t necessarily represent a literal death but rather a transformation or major change in your family and home life. It indicates that significant changes or transitions are on the horizon, and old patterns or dynamics may be coming to an end to make way for new beginnings.

8. Personal Growth and Education


The 5 of Swords suggests that you might encounter some conflicts or challenges in your personal growth and educational pursuits. It advises you to choose your battles wisely and avoid unnecessary confrontations. This card reminds you to focus on your growth despite potential setbacks.

9. Creativity and Self-Expression


The Judgement card signals a period of self-reflection and the desire for creative self-expression. You may feel a strong urge to break free from limiting beliefs and past judgments, allowing you to embrace your true creative potential fully.

10. Future Potential


The 9 of Cups indicates a promising and fulfilling future ahead. It represents emotional satisfaction, contentment, and the realization of desires and dreams. Your positive outlook and efforts are likely to manifest your aspirations and bring joy and fulfillment into your life.

Based on the reading, the area of life that appears to be in need of more harmony and balance is Personal Growth and Education,” represented by the 5 of Swords.

The 5 of Swords can suggest that you might be experiencing conflicts or challenges in your personal growth and educational pursuits. This could indicate that there might be some internal or external obstacles hindering your progress in this area. It’s possible that you may be facing difficulties in embracing new knowledge or developing new skills due to certain beliefs, negative thought patterns, or confrontations with others.

To bring more harmony and balance to this area of life, you should focus on choosing your battles wisely and avoiding unnecessary conflicts. You might need to let go of any self-limiting beliefs or negative influences that hinder your personal growth. Seeking new ways to approach your educational goals and staying open to new opportunities for learning could also help them find balance and progress in this domain.

Engaging in self-reflection, setting clear intentions, and finding a support system or mentor who can guide you through your personal growth journey may also prove beneficial. By addressing any internal or external challenges, you can create a more harmonious and balanced path toward personal growth and education.

I would also pay attention to the areas of “Love and Relationships“, “Spirituality and Inner Growth“, “Family and Home Life“. It looks like you’ve been through inner turmoil for a couple of years, or maybe even more. I see sadness or dissapointments that left you emotionally drained. Feeling as if you were pulled upside-down from the inside. It’s been tough for a minute. But now it’s the time to restore, and rebalance your self, inside and out. Find a new perspective, look for the positive aspects of any situation you feel the need to revisit. What did you learn about yourself during this period? What would you change? What will you embrace moving forward? Feeling refreshed, and restored. It’s time for a new beginning. 
