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Universal Love | Card Spread

Universal Love


This card spread is designed to help you focus on and cultivate universal love in your life. Whether you are seeking to strengthen your connection with others, enhance self-love, or radiate compassion, these cards will guide you on a journey towards embracing the boundless energy of universal love.

Card Position Meanings

Before you draw your cards, activate the Sacred Code 35133 (repeat 45 times) to deepen your connection with the energies of Universal Love, fostering a harmonious and loving existence in all aspects of your life.

  1. Foundation of Love: This card reveals the current state of your capacity to love yourself and others. It sets the tone for the rest of the spread. 
  2. Obstacles to Love: Explore the aspects of your life that may be blocking the expression of love. This card provides insights into areas that need attention and transformation.
  3. Release and Let Go: This card guides you in releasing old patterns, grudges, or self-limiting beliefs that may be preventing the full expression of love.
  4. Inviting Love In: Discover actionable steps and attitudes that will attract love. This card provides guidance on creating an open and receptive space for universal love.
  1. Nurturing Self Love: Understanding how to care for yourself is crucial for emanating love outwardly. This card offers insights into self-care practices and affirmations.
  2. Expressing Love to Others: This card provides guidance on enhancing your relationships and interactions with others. It encourages acts of kindness, understanding, and empathy.
  3. Universal Love Energy: Connect with the broader energy of love in the universe. This card serves as a reminder of the infinite source of love available to you and encourages you to align with this energy.

Use this Universal Love Card Spread to explore and enhance your connection with the powerful and transformative energy of universal love. Approach each card with an open heart, allowing the guidance to illuminate your path towards a more loving and harmonious existence.

Sample Card Reading

Card deck: Mystical Shaman Oracle, Pocket Edition | Sacred Codes Japa Mala with 45 beads

1. Foundation of Love


The Completion card signifies the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new phase. This completion in the foundation of love suggests that you’ve reached a point where past experiences are integrating, and it’s time to transform the old forms of love into new ones. It invites celebration, honoring what has been, and finding a fresh, harmonious foundation for the future of love. Embrace this moment of fullness and transformation in your journey towards universal love.

2. Obstacles to Love


The Drum, as an obstacle to love, suggests that the rhythm of love in your life may face challenges related to communication or a lack of harmony. However, the invitation is clear – it encourages you to take the next bold step in your journey of love. The forces of heaven and earth are aligned to support your actions effortlessly. It advises you not to resist but to go with the flow of the rhythm of love, allowing it to take you exactly where you need to be. This card invites you to collect your inner power tools and summon courage for a wild and glorious journey of love, allowing yourself to be carried by the essential rhythm of love in your life.

3. Release and Let Go


The Witness card, suggests adopting a detached, observant perspective. Instead of actively engaging in the unfolding of love, it calls for cultivating inner stillness to assess the situation from a higher perspective. By becoming the Witness, you allow the flow of universal love to unfold naturally. The invitation is to recognize that the Witness, which has been by your side all along, is ready to become your ally. Release the need to be the primary actor, and witness the creation of love unfolding before you. Change the reality of love by finding stillness and allowing your true intent for love to reveal itself.

4. Inviting Love In


The Luminous Warrior, suggests that inviting love into your life requires courage and authenticity. The essence of the Luminous Warrior, with no enemies and impeccable in word and deed, encourages you to focus on the radiant light of love rather than the shadows. By speaking your truth at all costs, you transform challenges into allies. The invitation is clear – focus on the power, wisdom, and beauty of love. Do not be swayed by what seems wrong in your relationships or the world. Feed the light of love with more light, empowering yourself from within. As you do, there will be little need for external actions, as you resolve all situations of love from the radiant core within you.

5. Nurturing Self-Love


The Flow card, signifies the importance of going with the natural flow of love. This essence suggests that, like the tide or the ebb and flow of rivers, there is a natural movement of events in the world of love. The symbol of Flow encourages you to allow love to move effortlessly toward its destination. It signifies an ability to gracefully navigate around obstacles in the realm of love and reminds you of the importance of allowing and surrendering to the flow of love. The invitation is clear – if Flow comes to visit in your journey of love, it’s a sign that your intentions have been set in motion. Now is the time to allow the natural course of love to unfold, embracing effortless movements and the path of least resistance. Like a river, knowing the fulfillment of love’s destiny is assured, enjoy the beautiful ride of love unfolding before you.

6. Expressing Love to Others


The Coyote, suggests that expressing love may involve playfulness and adaptability. The essence of Coyote as the sacred trickster indicates that detours and unexpected challenges may arise, ensuring growth and understanding in your journey of expressing love. Though it may seem that you are being led off course from the path to your desired expressions of love, Coyote’s energy of divine deception is ultimately to set you free from anything that doesn’t serve your highest good. Embrace the lessons offered by Coyote, even if they initially appear confusing, for they are sacred and for your highest good. If Coyote calls your name in the spread, pay special attention to detours and challenges in expressing love to others, as they are true tests of faith, leading to great growth and understanding in the realm of love.

7. Universal Love Energy


The Ghost Dance card, suggests a powerful connection to the spirits of the ancestors. The essence emphasizes that when the ancestors are honored, they bring harmony to us, and their wisdom can be a source of profound lessons and gifts. The invitation is clear – create a sacred moment to honor the spirits of the ancestors, including your own past lives. Light a candle, let their wisdom infuse you, and release any attachment to repeating tragic love stories from the past. At this stage in your journey of universal love, step into the abundance that is offered to you by receiving the gifts of those who have come before you. Embrace the healing message of the ancestors and use their powerful medicine to write a new and harmonious love story for your life.

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